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Match the Hatch – House Rules
Save the Tygart Watershed Association Inc
1. Drawings will occur on the first and third Monday of the month. Match the Hatch tickets will be sold until 11:59 AM on Monday preceding the drawing. Ticket sales for the subsequent drawing will begin after this point. Tickets will be sold at a cost of $5 for an individual ticket or $20 for a book of 5 tickets. A live drawing for the winning ticket will be held via Facebook Live on the first and third Monday of each month between 5:01 PM and 6:00 PM. A designated draw supervisor (representative from Save the Tygart Watershed Association (STTWA), will conduct the draw procedure. The winning individual will be contacted immediately after the draw. The winning individual will have a chance to draw from the deck to Match the Hatch (the selected card identified for that week) will take place before Monday at 11:59 PM via Facebook Live. If the Hatch card is not selected, the selected card will be removed from the deck.
2. Ticket sales are restricted to those 19 years of age and older. STTWA employees, designated draw supervisor and the person drawing the ticket (to be noted each week) are not permitted to purchase tickets. All other volunteers, including ticket sellers are permitted to purchase tickets. Ticket sellers reserve the right to refuse sale of tickets.
3. Each participant is responsible for checking their purchased tickets at time of purchase to assure tickets have been properly separated and numbers are legible.
4. One winning ticket will be drawn for 20% of the weekly ticket sales and a chance to draw the “Hatch” card from a deck of cards. 30% of the weekly sales will go into the “Match the Hatch” jackpot, and 50% of the weekly sales will be used to fund Save the Tygart Watershed Associations education, restoration and monitoring programs. Tickets are only valid for the draw period for which they are sold. Upon completion of the draw, tickets become invalid for future draws.
5. Both before and after the draw, the deck of cards will be displayed in such a manner as to confirm that the “Hatch” card is in the deck. Cards are to be shuffled, spread out on the table (face down) and mixed sufficiently. The ticket winner will then put one finger on the selected card. The draw supervisor will remove all surrounding cards while the ticket winner holds their finger on the selected card. Once the surrounding cards have been removed, the selected card will be turned over by the coordinator. Note: The draw supervisor must roll up sleeves or wear short sleeves when conducting the draw.
6. If the “Hatch” card is turned up, the winner receives the amount in the Match the Hatch jackpot, which also includes 30% of ticket sales for that week.
7. If the card drawn is not the “Hatch” card, the amount in the Match the Hatch jackpot then carries forward to the next draw, adding another 30% of ticket sales the next week, and so on. The remaining deck will be secured in a locked safe at an undisclosed location.
8. Should the individual be unable to attend a live drawing, they may designate a substitute or allow a STTWA representative to draw their card. Please note, if you are allowing people to purchase tickets on your behalf, should the jackpot be won, prize money will be given to the “ticket holder”. In the case that the weekly winner cannot be contacted before the draw opportunity on Monday, they will win the 20% weekly prize but the additional 30% will be contributed to the Match the Jackpot without a card drawing. The “Hatch” card will remain the same.
9. For promotional purposes, any Match the Hatch prize winner, will automatically be deemed to grant the hosting groups a right to publish, through all types of media broadcasting, including internet, their full name, hometown and photograph without any claim for broadcasting, printing or other rights. Any winner who is paid a prize also gives the above noted organizers the right to publish any additional information that they voluntarily provide.
10. Online ticket purchases must occur within the state of West Virginia.
Last edit:
20 Dec. 2021